Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Images of Bintulu Today
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Wow!! It's the Bintulu belacan
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Images of Bintulu today
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
The "Queen of Sarawak Palm" blossoms
In Bintulu, and enjoying the garden and forest views here. I have a tough day at the farm today but what kept my spirits up was a rare scene of the lakka palm, aka renda ( Cyrtostachys renda/ Cyrtostachys lakka) in full bloom. The renda is an extremely lovely palm for me. Her smooth trunk is surrounded by bright red leafsheaths making her recognizable from a distance. In my opinion it should be named the Queen of Sarawak palms. It is a native of Sarawak or Malaysia and Borneo for that matter. Its original habitat is peat swamp forests but is so versatile that it can be grown in big pots for corporate offices, in residential homes, roadsides and many types of urban landscapes. In Bintulu, the bright red stem and crown shaft are used to decorate arches and for many other ornamental uses e.g. school parade grounds, grandstands, etc., At the inset is a close-up view of the flower stalks. You have to be lucky to catch a glimpse of it when it is still a short palm because in the wild the palm can reach 30 meters high and its flowering magic will be missed. But not to worry here it is for every one to marvel - WYSWYG!!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Images of Bintulu Today
Thursday, March 3, 2011
100 countries and beyond
Some useful statistics are indicated below, based on the total page views/visits as at yesterday ( 3March'10):-
- my Sarawak (1 ed.) = 15,760
- my Sarawak (2 ed.) = 8, 757
- my Kambatik World = 11,932
- all the plants (1 ed.) = 14,435
- all the plants (2 ed.) = 5,815
- all the plants (3 ed.) = 7,164
- 4 da love of orchids = 4,933
- daily cut flowers = 5,437
- my Kuching klikz = 3,966
- my Bintulu clicks = 6,038
- phnotography by n93i = 3,601
- my siber klikz photography = 263
- hav paws will travell (1 ed.) = 1,712
- hav paws will travell (2 ed.) = 292
- images of Bintulu B4 n now = 961
- my gardening projects = 1,106
Total = 92,171 page views/ visits ........and counting
From the country analysis, people from more than 100 countries of the world have visited my blogs . The blogging experience has given me an opportunity to gather information and images, helps me with unrestricted writing exercises, survey the market about people's queries ( feedjit diagnostics) and sharing of knowledge. To all good friends and followers of my blogs I wish to thank you all for the tremendous support and ' many many blogging times ahead'. It is my fervent hope to publish a book and booklets being outcome from my blogging experience in the near future. For example, " Blogging about plants", " Blogging about Bintulu", "Blogging about Sarawak" etc,etc,. The world is at the door of a revolutionary times these days of the Internet to let it pass by unblogged!.and I am but a child of the universe.