The book published in 2010 (107 pages) engages me the moment I laid my hand on it. Reading it slowly over two days period have kept me reminded of my DBA pursuit. To undertake a Doctor of Business Administration journey is not every one's cup of tea but I have decided to pursue it since early 2009 with Asia e University at a ripe age of 60. At the time I have just crossed the river i.e. after completing the mandatory course work consisting of 10 core business and management subjects, the book came handy as I begin to walk through the intellectual jungle before reaching the top of the hill - my final destination of academic success. From above the hill I figure I'll be holding a placard written with these words " This DBA is mine!".
The book is reminding me of the champion I'm always is - a person who is success-driven and having control of my life. Remember the entrepreneur's motto - If it is to be, it's up to me.
The diamond is within you says Dr. Frank. This echoed what one of my friends in school said to me a long time ago. She wrote that I'm a pearl among the pebbles. This strong belief in my special ability to excel has been with me since. But the book encourages me to keep on digging and enrol with the DGU university i.e. Don't Give Up University. The setbacks and failures have to be constantly changed to success. " The only way to find diamonds is to dig deep inside the mine of the soul". Forget about FEAR ( False Expectations Appear Real). Do not fear changing your steps, moves, experiments etc because you have a mission, a vision, a dream - follow your heart's passion. The book have dozens of relevant anecdotes and quotations to capture your interest and imagination.
The book is inviting me again to enrol with the Successful People Club ( Read : It is not all about money, it's all about Success). A useful tool offered by Dr. Frank is how to become a ' Focus Master'. Thus even though there are a dozen of goals and objectives that I'm faced with for example , the priority now is to get my DBA research work going. Now that I 've crossed the river what's next? I cannot crawl anymore I have to run and even spread my wings and fly. Why should I fly? According to Dr. Frank if I want to be the winner I have to become a purposeful winner by aggressively moving towards achieving my goals and objectives. A purposeful winner is one who believes that if there is a will, there is a way to achieve greatness and success. Remember Ray Kroc ( MacDonald's founder) formula :
1. Never Give Up
2. Always persevere
3. Do not forget No.1
Remember to persist until you succeed. Thus I have to take control ( read: take responsibility, sacrifice, obligation) rather than let the next two years of my life run on auto pilot.
This DBA adventure is fun for me despite the problems and setbacks of doing it on part-time basis and on personal funds. But I have learnt to close the door of negativity behind and shun away from the ' BUTS, and BUT'S cousins such as NO, IMPOSSIBLE, MAYBE and worse of all you will get , BUT'S uncles - EXCUSES and lots of them' reminded the book.
The book though tiny comes handy and has impacted me. I have placed the highest value in achieving the DBA. I know I'll make a difference to the world with my DBA and that would make me a very happy man. In the words of Alber Schweitzer," Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful".
I'm Possible!
( Read again: not IMPOSSIBLE)
( Note : Those keen in getting copies of the book can call or sms Dr. Frank Kiong directly at 0128762864. Price is RM35 per copy.)