Behold the trees are aflame. This row of Flame of the Forest trees (
Delonix regia) caught me ready with a camera on a visit to Singapore. Often you have to be prepared in the old days of colour photos with a camera loaded with colour films to be lucky. Now you can capture even better and striking images with a
nokia handphone or a
sony digital camera at much reduced prices, handy convenience and no developing costs. Still I consider lucky to have been born during the B&W era, grew in colour films and now re-born in digital times. But all these technology will be in vain if you aren't there the right time and moment.

The moment of truth. You just got to be here to immortalise the intense beauty of this flowering Angsana tree (
Pterocarpus indicus). This picture was taken in Bintulu . Beneath the tree the fragrance of the flowers strikes me eager for more. But alas the blooms last for a day or two. So if you happen to pass this tree while in full bloom let life take the back seat and go underneath the tree to sensualise the moment of truth.

On a trip to Singapore a very long time ago I was impressed at this tree called the
Tecoma pentaphylla which was better known as
Tabebuia alba in later years. Its white blooms engulfed the whole tree. Sometimes it's the blooms that remind us of the specialty of a particular place.
Old photographs are nostalgic and memories are made of these. Be finger-clicking good and live life with few regrets. If only you have to enjoy art for art's sake please do. You really need to be passionate about art to be passionate about life.
Love all the tree pictures and the top one is stunning. So right you are, my phone takes almost better pictures than my camera.;)
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend dear friend,